If you find yourself with a bit of time and the inclination now that spring is here officially, we've got a selection of titles that might get you thinking about life after the snowbanks have melted:
How to know the spring flowers : pictured-keys for determining the more common spring-flowering herbaceous plants with suggestions and aids for their study by Mabel Jacques Cuthbert
The gentle subversive : Rachel Carson, Silent spring, and the rise of the environmental movement by Mark Hamilton Lytle
Forcing the spring : the transformation of the American environmental movement by Robert Gottleib
North with the spring; a naturalist's record of a 17,000 mile journey with the North-American spring by Edwin Way Teale
Salute to spring by Meridel Le Seuer
And for the kids:
In the small, small pond by Denise Fleming
The tiny seed by Eric Carle
Four puppies by Anne Heathers
The tree by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale deBourgoing
And for those road trips, don't forget about our collection of audio books, on cassettes and cds.