Monday, March 30, 2009

Next evening book discussion: Flashpoint

Please join us for the next NH Humanities Council-funded WMCC/Berlin Public Library evening discussion of

Flashpoint by Linda Barnes
with discussion leader, Marion Schafer,

on Wednesday, April 15 at 7 p.m. at the WMCC Fortier Library

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Think Spring!

If you find yourself with a bit of time and the inclination now that spring is here officially, we've got a selection of titles that might get you thinking about life after the snowbanks have melted:

* How to know the spring flowers : pictured-keys for determining the more common spring-flowering herbaceous plants with suggestions and aids for their study by Mabel Jacques Cuthbert

* The gentle subversive : Rachel Carson, Silent spring, and the rise of the environmental movement by Mark Hamilton Lytle

* Forcing the spring : the transformation of the American environmental movement by Robert Gottleib

* North with the spring; a naturalist's record of a 17,000 mile journey with the North-American spring by Edwin Way Teale

* Salute to spring by Meridel Le Seuer

And for the kids:

* In the small, small pond by Denise Fleming

* The tiny seed by Eric Carle

* Four puppies by Anne Heathers

* The tree by Gallimard Jeunesse and Pascale deBourgoing

And for those road trips, don't forget about our collection of audio books, on cassettes and cds.